Engagement Evaluation

The Engagement Evaluation is an informal survey/assessment, designed to be used after meetings or engagements with users, but not necessarily after each engagement. There are two pieces to the evaluation below:

Depending on the goal of this evaluation, these pieces can be mixed and matched in order to:

Engagement Information

  1. Name/UserID

  2. Dept

  3. PI/group

  4. Facilitator

  5. Date (range) of Interaction

  6. Reason for contact

    1. __ Help with grant proposal

    2. __ Help via ticketing system (for items not listed here)

    3. __ Have ACI-REF speak at lab/group meeting (or research gathering)

    4. __ Discuss Sstorage options

    5. __ Discuss compute options

    6. __ Use an high-performance or high-throughput system (cluster)

    7. __ Use one or more software packages

    8. __ Install software

    9. __ Scale a functioning program to HPC/HTC

    10. __ Optimize/troubleshoot a workflow

    11. __ Develop or adopt a workflow

    12. __ Other _________________________

  7. Rate engagement (1-5 scale)

Engagement Interview

Give a 3 sentence description of your research

Describe how ACI resources are a critical component of your research

What progress have you made?

What roadblocks have you had?

Describe what would or would not have been possible without the help of an ACI-REF (e.g. save XX amount of time, started a new line of research, etc).:

Please list any publications that were accelerated or improved from the help of an ACI-REF:

Did you use the skills & expertise you gained from the ACI-REF to assist or train others?

Any suggestions for how we can improve our interactions/(relationship)/collaboration?