Entrance Survey

An Entrance Survey is designed to be given at account creation or introductory training (if required for resource use) to all users of the ACI resource. This survey has two purposes:

This document contains a suggested introduction and a variety of possible questions for an entrance survey. Not all questions included here would be necessary; facilitators should choose questions that are relevant to their resources. A sample implementation is here: https://docs.google.com/a/wisc.edu/forms/d/13k9AXGwl2Ih737bqzi_w4dj8IRYMs1CMAL0ZizbyPxI/edit


Thanks for taking this moment to tell us a little about yourself and your background. We ask that you complete this survey as completely as possible. We ask that you be rigorously honest, to enable a clearer evaluation of your current requirements and knowledge base, thus allowing for more targeted response to your needs.

Again, thank you for your input.

Question Bank


Campus ID/username

Email address



How would you classify your lab’s domain science?

In what area were you formally trained?

Please tell us about your familiarity with the following computing concepts or methodologies:

(micro level)

Never heard of it Heard of it but never tried it Novice Use regularly Fluent and experienced
Unix command line
Installing/compiling software in unix
Writing scripts
HPC/HTC/Cluster systems
Use of a batch/scheduling system
Cloud computing
Large disk arrays
Software defined (on-demand) networks

What software/programming language are you currently using (list specialized packages or libraries if relevant)?

What computing resources are you currently using to do your research?

Describe a typical computing problem that you have run in the past:

How did you hear about us?

Would you be interested in meeting with a consultant (free of charge) anytime during the next six months to help you optimize your work?

__ Yes __ Maybe __ No

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your computing practices or methods?